Friday, June 29, 2012

Google's New +1 Option For Google User's Expands Search Engine Social Network

Google has announced some exciting news for those interested in social media. They recently unveiled a unique "+ 1" button that rivals Facebook's "like" button. The +1 (plus one) button can be used on websites found on Google's search engine results.

The button is a new social media tool that Google hopes will bring in more interaction with their users. It is a new social layer to the regular search engine results on Google and any advertisements on the search engine. This is great news for websites involved with AdWords.

Google has a video you can view by searching "Google plus one button" to explain the new tool. It explains the many advantages that come with using the search engine button while searching for websites. It also explains how the button will be used.

Google credits the +1 button as being a great option for search engine users to give their approval of a website publicly. Those who see the button are those involved in the user's Google social network. It is a wonderful way for user's to recommend a website or product to their associates.

What is Google's social network? It is the network that is found with your Google accounts, such as your Gmail contacts, or on your Google Talk chat lists. Other associations include those that are following you through Google Buzz or Google Reader.

As of right now Google is only using its own social network. It does have hopes of including other non-Google services in the future, however. That way other services, such as Flickr, can be connected to the search engine +1 network.

The news about +1 is especially nice for companies and websites that are using AdWords strategies. The +1 option shows up next to the advertisement, showing users whether others have recommended your site or not. The bonus? You aren't charged for this and you also can see which of your ads receives the most +1s on Google.

With their research Google said that the paid advertisements that had the most +1s next to them had a higher chance of user's actually clicking the advertisement and going to the site than site's that did not have +1s. This can really help with web marketing, SEO work, and AdWords campaigns. The +1 option is a wonderful way for website's to connect with their users and expand their network through Google.

Let's see if Yahoo and Bing can catch on and come up with something similar. I would love to hear some comments.

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of using search engine optimization, please visit our website. We are a Boise SEO company specializing in local search. Our company has helped many businesses reach the top of Google. Contact us today to see how our Boise SEO services can help your business.

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